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Wednesday, 30 June 2010
LOL. GG-fied. I'm so gonna fail Physics and History.
For both of my History essays, I maximum get 4 marks each.
I'm quite surprised at the length of my essay for question 1. But you know what? Quantity doesn't make up for quality, when the content is all rubbish -.-
I slept late last night, trying to get History stuff into my head. But sigh, there were a lot of things that I can't remember still. I think JCTs is going to be my wake up call. I need to buck up. Seriously. If not I'm so not gonna get promoted to J2 at the end of this year.
And last night, I had to bring Mei to the clinic because of her skin problem. I think I'm getting more selfish. I was really unwilling to bring her to the doctors D: I mean my dad could have brought her there some other time and why must it be me who have to bring her when I was desperately trying to study D: I brought my notes along to study though, but the sulky me escaped from inside :/ I guess I have much more to learn!
It's a new term anyway.
I feel a need to change myself because I don't like how I am now D:
Time to set some new term resolutions which I hope.. I'd set myself up to achieve?
Anyways, Physics paper left me depressed until now. I know that I won't do well, but somehow, just feel kinda depressed over it. But tomorrow's Chemistry paper, must jiayou! :D And on the bright side, half of the papers are down ^.^
I think I needa take care of myself more. DRINK MORE WATER. Lols. Have been feeling feverish these two days. Thank God no headache like the usual ones but I guess it's not too good to fall sick in the middle of exams eh?
Left me..
&the pages keep turning.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Ahh, now I know why.
I've got a slight fever.
Dang. Right in the middle of JCTs.
&the pages keep turning.
Sigh, I'm not sure why I don't have much appetite to eat.
I get very full easily these few days :/
And today, I feel like crapzxzxz. Going to school today makes me feel like shit. I don't know why. Nothing even happened. But I feel like my head can almost explode into bits. I'm falling sick also. My nose and voice feels weird :/ I know I can't expect someone to be there for me all the time, especially during this exam period but I wish someone was.. I'm not even sure what exactly is bothering me..
Last night, I slept a lot. Almost 10hours! HAHAHA.
Anyways, I totally screw up GP paper today. GG.
I'm so gonna fail GP and go for remedials -.- The paper was difficult. Seriously.
Or maybe I didn't do adequate preparations for it.
Get the hell out of my life.
&the pages keep turning.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Lols, today's my Sleeping Day II.
I napped a lot again. I haven't been sleeping too late these days, just 12plus and I wake up at 8plus - that's ample of sleep of about 8 hours. I didn't do much for GP. I was just reading the papers and going through the inferential questions. I don't think it'll help me in the GP paper tomorrow though :/ To do well for language, I believe you have to start way way way before and not the day before the examination :/ Well, kinda expect myself to fail GP, but still, we'll see.
I'm not ready to JCTs. Definitely. Sigh.
I'm looking forward to JCTs to end. I wanna do a lot of things!
I wanna WORK, go shopping with Jorene, look for a new music school, learn new songs, make new blogskin, upload photos, watch more animes, buy more junks etc. Sigh, 1 more week to go!
It's time..
&the pages keep turning.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Lol, today's my sleeping day. I napped a lot!
And last night and today, I had dreams! Haha I seldom dream or at least I don't remember any of my dreams. And they were really random and I dreamt of people that I least expect to. Haha. I don't know how I can complete Chemistry notes since I napped so much :/ LOLS. GG.
Lesson today was alright. Hahaha. Ms Xiao asked me to play the ending of a duet with her! xD But I still suck at 3rd position :/ My high C# and D are as out of tune as ever :/ I haven't been practising violin a lot. Not like last time when it's an everyday thing.. I don't quite like the songs we're playing and learning these days D: Haha but still, I love lessons! :D
Ahyi brought back to Indonesia my camera. Then I was looking through the photos. Omg. The stepping stones have been removed and they were all changed to tiles :/ And I heard Ahyi said there's no more grassy backyard and swing anymore D: It's been a long time since I last go home actually. HAHHAHA. I don't miss home in Indonesia at all.
Gotta go liao! Ja ne ^.^
&the pages keep turning.
Friday, 25 June 2010
It was raining damn heavily this morning D: I don't like the rain. Tsk.
Hahaha anyways, I'm feeling much much much more motivated now :D
Today, went to school for some History make-up lesson. Mr Hassim gave us back our SEA test. And I'm damn surprised that I got 15/25!! It's just shocking to me since I think a lot of things were not very detailed but he said I have some relevant points! Well, I think he's just being lenient luh. But I'm feeling very happy now :) To pass History is like a dream come true for me. Haha, but.. JCTs uh.. Don't know whether can or not :/ Jiayou luh.
Then lunch at KFC with Dylan, Han Ren, Ming Xuan and Reynold. Sigh, Charmain pangseh us D: Whoa, they were talking about NY trip and it seemed really fun! Haha, sad that I can't go, BUT, it's alright. Hahahaha. Managed to earn money since I worked xD I miss my colleagues like crap. I just wanna work nowwww. Argh. I hope exams will go away soon D:
Afternoon, Jorene&Brandon came over to study at my place. LOL. RECURRENCE RELATIONS IS DAMN CHALLENGING. Omg. Can't do RR man D: Haha as usual, we talked a lot. Nostalgic!Awww, missed TK quite a bit D: Haha and we started talking about OBS too! xD Missed all those times :D OBS rocks ^.^
Okies, have to do more Math!
Another day to live for..
&the pages keep turning.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Today, Jorene came over my place to study.
Lol, she slept most of the time -.- And other than that, we were chit-chatting about life. I only manage to complete 2 chapters of notes for Chemistry due to the slight unproductivity. Haha but I definitely enjoyed talking to Jorene. Omg. And I told her stuffs that I would have never never never never wanted to talk about. Until she asked. Omg D:
I was happy talking about you. Do you?I decided to be myself and not try too hard anymore :)
It was quite difficult to sleep last night. I guess I'm just not used to sleeping at 12plus anymore since I've been sleeping at 2-3plus every night for the past 3 weeks! Hahaha. But it sucks to be unable to sleep. My mind will start wondering off somewhere and I kinda hate the feeling when I think too much D: And I have to get up early too. Since they're all back, I can't wake up too late anymore! Hahaha.
Argh, there's school tomorrow D: For History tutorials! :/
Move it, move it!
&the pages keep turning.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Argh, wasted a lot of time cleaning up (again) and ironing my clothes. They all are coming back tonight! So I had better keep the house spick and span. If not, I'll get it from Ahyi. LOLS. So ended up I only did a bit of Math since I woke up only at 12. The last time I woke up at 12 was.. in Sec1 or 2? Hahaha. I slept at 3plus last night xD Learning 晴天-周杰伦. Yay I can play the front part liao :D Hahahhahah. Cleaning up took about 2-3hours D:
Anyways, sigh, I suck at transformation to reciprocal curves D:
Lol, I've been eating cup noodles for the consecutively 3 meals. Yesterday's dinner, today's lunch and dinner. Hahaha. Super unhealthy. I'm going bald. Lol. I'm too lazy to cook up anything also. Argh. I wanna work. And eat
kanitama D: I miss my colleagues! :x But I'm not working this week and the next 2 weeks. LOL. I was the one who requested that, but now I'm missing my job? Lol, what a surprise.
Okay, gotta go now!
Ja :D
I wish, I wish, I wish..
&the pages keep turning.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Hello! Dad, Mei and Ahyi are coming back tomorrow night.
I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. Hahahaha.
Today, I was out studying with Jorene, Jing Qun and his friends.
And I made new friends! LOL. And his GF is damn cute eh. Hahaha.
I took really long to finish one chapter of Maths from MSM. LOL :/
And when I see Jorene, somehow I'll get depressed. I get reminded of too many things since Jorene and I are such good friends. Yea. I start to feel some kind of regret? D:
You have changed from one who follows behind to one who walks beside
&the pages keep turning.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Yay, I just got back home from super mini class outing.
Present: Cassandra, Jasper, Jia Hong, Jia Sheng, Martin and me. Jingle came to join us after she had her lunch with her family. Hahaha. It's a different group of people! And class outing without Joshua is kinda weird I thought. And individually, the Jia brothers are okay. But when they come together, all they talk about is Math and Science. LOL. Totally different frequency sia. Haha.
I had Ton Toro Ramen. Woo. Ton Toro rocks. Damn good.
But I should have eaten the CTR D: I prefer dry noodles still.
Then we stayed to chit-chat a bit and discuss some Math and Physics questions we have and we all went different ways after that.
I reached Ajisen early to study a bit there and reserve seats. I only manage to start a bit of dynamics D: I talked to Sharon jie and Danny a bit. LOL :x And Ah bao also came to Ajisen from Manpuku to see us! Haha so long never see him already. Seems like he prefer Manpuku more. Lol, more slack there also xD
Gotta continue with more work. SIGH. Must chiong. Left a few days D:
And I'm so so so so so so so not ready at all.
If you don't forget, have you really forgiven afterall?
&the pages keep turning.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Today, I was out studying from 3plus to 7plus.
I seldom go out to study since I think I'll talk to my friends more than doing work. But since I was asked out today, I studied outside with Jing Qun. It was productive for me because we didn't talk much while we were in the library. Haha. I'm quite happy :D
After that, I had dinner at Yoshinoya! Love Yoshinoya to the max. Beef bowl awesome x10. Jing Qun didn't eat cuz he was going to have dinner with his family. Well, at first I thought it was weird for him to ask me to study because it's Father's Day, so I expected him to spend time with his family, but turns out he was going to spend time with his family. Haha so still okay luh :D Anyways, Happy Father's Day! :D
After that, I just went Pops, Art Box, Ajisen, NTUC and QBread to get stuffs. And headed for home! I have to jiayou again tonight! :D
Ohoh, and yesterday night, when I was feeling so sleepy, I went to do Sit-ups and Pull ups. I suck at Sit-Ups (The only thing that I have never gotten A cuz I struggle to even get a C, when everyone else think it's chicken feet -.-) But I managed to do 36! LOL. If I tried, I can really do it! ^.^ After doing it, I feel more energized. LOL. I'm going to do more Sit-ups man. Full marks for Napha FTW! But I think my Standing Broad Jump this time.. Lol. CMI?
And Ah Ting's really kind to me.
She didn't put me on shift for the whole of this coming week :D
No more
&the pages keep turning.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Tch. Another wasted day.
Lesson today was pretty okay. Argh, I'm still not good with 3rd position.
Still not in tune and my bowing techniques are as bad as ever. Craps.
Jorene called me up to talk to me in the evening. Haha thinking back sure bring back happy memories but but just a bit of ke xi that happy things don't last.
Anyways, I didn't work today, but somehow, I feel like working. I don't know why..
If I was given a choice, I would have wished for time to turn back, but I know you wouldn't have stopped and continue moving forward.
Taking initiative, going forward.
&the pages keep turning.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Argh. Today's another busy day. At 9.45pm, there were still customers who just ordered their food and that's like our last order -.- We only left Ajisen at about 10.45pm. Anyways, thanks to Ke Han, although she's new comer, but I think I can work well with her! She's quite fast with the things that was needed to be done and doesn't take her own sweet time :D D/S was done pretty quickly with her help also. Awesome :D
Danny didn't work today. Lol but he came back for I don't know what reasons. Then he tried to bribe me. 100bucks if I switch with him. He's working tomorrow and I'm not. So he wants a switch. Haha. But I'm not going to get cheated -.- Sigh, I can't work too much already. Needa start doing something about the upcoming JCTs!
In the morning was PW meeting. I felt damn guilty for making Jia Hong pissed/angry. I was damn late. About 30minutes late.. And I'm always late. But today, I couldn't wake up to my alarm clock rings. Might have slept too late last night.. But overall, meeting was quite productive luh :D Hope our pilot test will be a success! ^.^
Sometimes.. I think.. Am I taking things too easily? I let others run over my emotions and then everything's fine? Where's my motivation to change something or to try to do something? I'd rather leave things this way. And you said this to me: Erm, you can fight it to be yours. I don't have the courage at all. I'm afraid.
Or maybe.. just maybe.. I lost hope?
&the pages keep turning.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
I didn't blog this at 11.59pm. But I needed the date to be 17th!
And so on the 17th June :D CG OUTING! Haha at Joshua's house! It was uber loads of fun spending time with my dearest classmates :D Although it was just Piano, Halo, Guitar Hero, some card games, food + drinks, it was still awesome :) And thanks to his mum for preparing quite a lot of food and thanks to Joshua for having all of us. Lol. And his sister was very sociable! :D She joined us in our madness of fun too xD
Only 6 people were not present! So it was a success I guess! :D
Most of us left at about 12midnight. We were walking that long path out of his house.
Nostalgic. I almost drown in the memories. Then, we just kept walking straight till maybe reach the MRT station. Then Han Ren's mum drove past and stopped to send us to the MRT/home when she saw us. A bit paiseh also cuz it was late at night already.. But really have to thank her so so so much.
I wish I never had to surface againAnd then again, I haven't been studying much these days :/ Sigh.
I think I'd rather sleep now rather than to continue with work D: I have an early day tomorrow. And working full shift tomorrow. Oh craps. I'm doing D and D/S. ARGH. Sigh. At least I get to eat my
Kanitama tomorrow ^.^ I've been putting a lot of weight recently. Argh, while people like Dylan lost so much weight, for me, it's the other way around! Craps x2. I need to eat less. Seriously. I've been snack-ing a lot late at night. Especially when I reach home from work D: Meh.
I saw this thing which was quite meaningful on FB.
It says: Don't hate; Appreciate.
Oyasumi! おやすみ :D
Still desperately finding my way out
&the pages keep turning.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Whoa, today's a busy day at Ajisen.
Well, busy for a Wednesday at least.
Sigh, I'm doing D/S twice this week D: Monday and this coming Friday again. Argh.
And today's the first time Christine learn to order. Heh. She's a pretty calm person! Haha I remembered when I first learnt, I was super nervous and I was smiling like crazy when I was ordering the first 2-3 tables of customers. Vivian guided me a lot too. Haha. Now, I think ordering is like the easiest thing! LOL.
Anyways, I'm like nata de coco-ing now. I have it as supper almost every night -.- Damn unhealthy. I'm going to get diabetes and all sorts of sickness. Touch wood, but yea. High possibility. Lols.
And I'm glad I started a bit on Physics today. Gotta continue with it, ja ne!
Where there's a will, there's a way?
&the pages keep turning.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Argh, my dear lappie broke down again T.T
It's the 2nd time I sent it for repair this month D:
MY MONEY!! All the money that I earnt this holiday is all gone now. LOLS.
I went to Sim Lim in the afternoon to send lappie for repair. After that I walked around to look for printer and yay! Got one now :D AWESOME! Haha I printed a lot of Chemistry stuff just now. And some Physics and other miscellaneous notes. Anyways, it can scan, copy and print! Lol photos also can, if I buy the photo paper. Hahaha.
Anyways, my hard disk was damaged or something like that. So they changed it for me. From 250GB to 320GB! And it costs around $89. Whoa, prices for technology stuffs drop every now and then. I remembered last time, to upgrade a hard disk to 80GB, it costs 50bucks.
I hope lappie doesn't die on me again D:
While waiting for lappie to get fixed, I ate Burger King (again -.-), but this time alone. And then I did some Math there. LOL. It's my first time I ate outside alone. Lol, a bit weird :/ But spending time alone.. may not be a bad idea sometimes? I went Kinokuniya after that and I bought 3 comics! HAHAHHAA. I wanna readddddd. Lol. That's about today!
Yesterday, I worked half day. And once again, YM came. Probably his day off. My colleagues offered to send me home also.. Sigh, I was shocked to see him. I did D/S last night and thank God he didn't step much into the kitchen also. But yesterday, nobody really helped me.. So I took quite some time to get all the things cleaned. I guess I can't always rely on others luh.
When we all ended work, while Ah Ting and YM went to the toilet, we all escaped. LOL. We went down the lift first without waiting for them. Ah Luo, Da di and me then walked to the interchange together after all of us walked different ways at one point. I was constanly looking behind me. LOL. Then Ah Luo said he'd treat Da di and me to ice-cream. Then suddenly, YM zoomed passed Macs. LOL. He didn't stop to talk to me or what also.
I screamed thank God in my heart. Seriously.
We didn't take bus together also. And I kinda thank him for respecting my decisions.. That's my yesterday luh!
Haha anyways, so many people went overseas this holiday! Yii na~
Reflection of yourself in the face of..
&the pages keep turning.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
I'm just wasting my time. I was watching anime this morning.
When will I start working hard? WTH.
I worked full shift today. Sigh. Today's a dramatic day.
Before my break, everything was pretty okay. As usual, it's just Neilson who's disturbing all of us. But after my break, omg, YM came!
He came into the kitchen. The first thing was he brushed his hands across my cheeks. I turned back. WTS! It's YM. I got a shock of my damn life. And after that I quickly left the kitchen and stood outside. Danny was helping me keep a look out on where he was. Then only after he left the kitchen, then I dared to step in again.
And a whole lot of crap happened. I got scolded because of various stuff and I felt like shit after that also. Plus YM was around, somewhere, my mind was all in a mess. And that Neilson have to keep disturbing me. Knock my head luh, blahblah. I was a bit annoyed at that time D:
After some time, when we were less busy, I felt okay already. Omg, then Neilson started playing with ice cubes. He successfully put ice cubes into my shirt like twice! LIKE WTS. Lol, then drama start. First time, I got tricked. 2nd time, I struggled my way through, I slipped a bit, cuz kitchen floor was slippery and he manage to hold me a bit. Then 3rd time, woah epic. I totally fell. My butt was like 2cm from the ground and he was like holding me in his arms. After that he was laughing and laughing at me. WTH, it was all his fault in the first place.
I accidentally knocked my forehead against the fridge while trying to avoid him. Then again, he laughed and laughed. There was once, he suddenly told Christine and me. Aye, I tell you something, then he held us by the shoulder and push both of us towards each other and in the end we banged into each other. It hurts -.-
Anyways, back to YM. Everyone knows that he came back to see me/send me home and all of them know that I'm damn scared of him. And my bestest colleagues were being real nice. Except Neilson -.- Danny and Ah Luo was like asking if I need them to send me home and stuff. And after work, Ah Luo and Da di actually waited for me to send me home.
But in the end, I didn't meet both of them cuz they were no where to be seen when I reached the place they usually hang out after work. Chefs end their work earlier than us. So yea. Yu Xin, YM and me walked to the bus interchange. Danny, Christine and Neilson abandoned me. Hahaha. While walking there, I was trying to search for Ah Luo and Da di, but in the end cannot find them. I was so scared that YM will board the same bus so when I saw 65, I just ran for the bus. LOLOLS. Really felt so guilty for making Ah Luo and Da di wait for me and yet in the end, I abandoned them. I just called Ah Luo and apologised to him. Haha and he was saying that it's okay and they can be my bodyguard anytime! Haha.
And Vivian, even funnier. She asked me," Do you want my husband to send you home first?" Hahahaha and she said she's just concerned about her staff's welfare! Ohman, I've got the bestest colleagues ever. And I wish Sharon jie was around D: But sadly, she's working at T3 today..
So anyways, YM didn't go home with me. Thank God thank God thank God. I don't know why I'm so afraid. I'm just trying to escape from everything?
Okay, so that's about it today.
I don't want to see you again. You make me live in fear! Lol.
Anyways, I've recently heard stuff from a friend. I can't believe that she's so strong and I wish I was that strong to withstand all those too D:
As cold as ice
&the pages keep turning.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Lol, I got the wrong date.
The NY people are only coming back tomorrow! Haha I thought it was today. I guess they're in the plane already? Haha who knows. Woah, 2 weeks is really long! But it has flew pass without any notice
I went to buy groceries at noon. Haha and I think I'm addicted to tofu soy sauce already. It's damn good. Fried/steam tofu with soy sauce is oishilicious! I spent like $20plus. Lol hope this can last me for the next 2 weeks? I bought junk food like nata de coco, chocolate vitasoy (fav!) etc. Hahahaha. Xiao Gu told me not to cook, probably because I might just burn down the house, might.. LOLS. I want to eat pasta! :D
Then afternoon, I just practised violin and clean up my area. I threw away lots of stuff! :x I hate throwing stuff away cuz I can't bear to :x But I know I have to, if not my whole place will be filled with junk. LOL. Like a rubbish dump.
Ahh, I've been thinking a lot the past few days :/ About various stuff.
I always say I hate people who self-pity. You can do anything to annoy me, but self-pitying is the thing that I despise most. Then I ask myself,
Have I been indulging in self-pity all these while?
&the pages keep turning.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Yesterday. Lol PW meeting early in the morning.
I want my sleep. Hahahaha. But I guess it was more or less productive luh.
Then I went to the salon after that and blahblahblah. When I reached home, I just practised my violin and stuff and wasted more time. Lols. I'm screwed for JCT.
Today, PW meeting again. Lol and then met Mr Alwyn Tan at Yu Neng Primary at 3pm. I'm glad everything went well :D Yayy ^.^ I hope pilot test will be a success!
Ah Ting called me just now. Lol to tell me I don't have to work tomorrow (Yay). Then after awhile, she called me to ask if I was free and she asked me to go Hougang outlet. Lol. I changed and prepared to go out already. Then she called me again. For the 3rd time, and said don't need to go anymore. HAHA. Nice one. So I continued with filing my stuffs luh!
I'm glad I don't need to work tomorrow. At first Danny was asking me to take MC tomorrow. But I know Ah Ting won't be happy cuz she hates last minute changes. Well, I can't escape forever right? But since I don't have to work tomorrow, I barely escaped from everything. Thank God.
Anyways, I think.. Even if I were to see you tomorrow, I would have pretended that nothing happened. Because.. Life goes on.
Last night, I took quite some time to fall asleep. Many thoughts ran through my mind. I hate this feeling. I remembered this thing that Jorene told me: At some points you think you're over it but you actually aren't. That's the worst part. Then you'll think like crazy. So don't let yourself cry alone kay? Just call and cry also can. Better than crying alone! Haha I thought it was really sweet of her. And the thinking continued this morning, when I was going out to buy breakfast.
When you all confessed to a certain someone, you'll say I love you to someone else?
I can't understand a guy's thought sometimes, or maybe all the time. I'm just thinking back. Because that seriously disgusted me and kept me in shock the whole night when I saw the message. Make up your mind.
two to nothing
&the pages keep turning.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Yesterday, Jingle, Joshua, Lim Pin, Martin and Wen Xiu came to eat at TM Ajisen! Hahaha thanks guys for coming :D I had my staff meal with them too! xD I love sitting with them and talking nonsense and gossip etc. xD Awesomest.
I worked full day yesterday and can go home at 9! Lol went to Pops after that to get some stuff I need and then went home. Haha finally I can reach home earlier than usual :D
Today, met Jasper in the morning to pass him his GP and Geog stuff. Lol. More than 30minutes late -.- Haha then I had to rush home and rush out of the house to go to work. And I worked full day again -.- I'm damn sian of my job already luh.
Anyways, there's a new comer today. OMG.
I don't know what to say. Omg omg omg. He doesn't know a lot of stuff. Okay, that one can teach and learn. But we teach so many times and he still doesn't get it. Omg. But I feel that he just doesn't have the confidence to do things. And Vivian was pissed with him for being so blur. LOLS. I wish he was like Danny. I still remembered. First day. Wasabi chicken wing! HAHAHHAHAHAHA I burst out laughing whenever I think of that xD
Sigh, tomorrow's a whole day of PW againzxzxzx. Spare me D:
Where did my heart go to?
&the pages keep turning.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Woah, today's a day full or rushes.
I woke up at 8plus, tossed my clothes in the washing machine. And stupid me. I wash my towel together with all my other clothes. Awesomest. My clothes ended up with a lot of the white white "dust" thing. Craps. I had a hard time removing it. And then, I was more than an hour late for PW meeting. Double craps.
We met Ms Cai in the afternoon and it turns out that all the other groups are meeting Ms Cai too. Lols. We're going all the wayzxzxz for PW now. Then can study peacefully the next 2 weeks maybe? Hahaha. And Ms Cai will be going away.. So no more consultation after she leaves D: Jiayou all! :D
Then I rushed home and out of the house again after PW meeting, for work.
We were not busy today. But after 9.30pm, quite a few tables of customers came in D: So it delayed our cleaning up and stuff D:
I'm gonna work full for the next 2 days. Argh! D:
Avoiding the thought of it
&the pages keep turning.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Omg. I'm screwed up.
I haven't start revising for anything subject yet. I've been working the past few days. I only did Math and nothing else. ARGH. And this coming week, I'm working almost everyday again. TSK. It's like.. I'm working so many full days. Then what's the point of being a part-time worker? D: D: D: Well, Ah Ting would call it, "When we don't have enough people, we'll call part-timers" Ahh, how true D:
My life's kinda messed up now D:
I have many many things I wanna do, but I'm kinda lazy also D:
Saturday, till I see you again. Hell?
&the pages keep turning.
Hello! I'm quite happy today! Because:
#1. I have unlimited free sms!
#2. I made a new kawaii friend :D
Hahaha. Today, I met Dagu at PP to settle some handphone stuff and she helped me ask about my phone's student plan also. Lol. Yay. And I've got unlimited sms now! :D My bills won't explode again :D Haha but anyways, now nobody really sms me a lot.. So it's okay luh. But I'm still happy anyways. Just in case, one day, when I need that unlimited sms. Haha. We had breakfast at Macs before that. Lol, had a super long talk about school and stuff..
And and and I made a new friend at Ajisen. She's really a kawaii girl. She's got curls and her face looks really cute. Haha and she's nice also!! I only know her today. Lol but it turns out that today's her last day working at TM outlet. LOLS. And she just graduated from VJC. Lol. My dream school T.T Haha too bad I guess. But I love TJC too :D
Ohhh. But one sad thing D: Today, Ms Xiao told us all that violin lessons are gonna stop after September D: Sigh, I don't know how I'm going to find a new violin teacher who's not expensive D: I want to continue to learn violin lehh D:
-and you. disgusting thing.
&the pages keep turning.
Friday, 4 June 2010
It's my first day at work after a long long time! :D
Haha I'm like old, yet new staff xD
Today wasn't a boring day. Time passed pretty quickly and there was this short period of time when we were quite busy :/ I think it'll be worse tomorrow. Sigh, I'm working for the next 3 days! D: I'm kinda lazy!
That's my today luh.
I manage to complete only Basic Question of Tutorial 16 at Ajisen today D: Jiayou. I have to juggle with work and study for JCTs at the same time. I can choose not to work, but I want money also! LOLS.
And and and, Jorene, Sherlynn, Crystal and her group of floorball mates came to Ajisen! They were surprised to see me working there. Hahaha :D I was surprised to see them coming to TM Ajisen also. Lol!
Anyways, I'm like home alone now. I guess I must appreciate Ahyi more. Now, I have to toss my clothes in the washing machine myself, hang the washed clothes myself, keep the dry clothes myself, get food myself, do household chores myself and many many other things myself. Sigh. What a chore.. But I get to wake up late now! Haha I woke up at only 10plus today ;p
I hope tomorrow will be a great day too :D
thinking and thinking every moment, of you..?
&the pages keep turning.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Yay, no more school for the rest of the week. Finally holidays! Or.. maybe not..
Anyways, yesterday, I was at school for TJC Ambassador. Omg. Had to reach school damn early in the morning luh. And it was.. Okay luh. Not boring but.. :/ In the afternoon, I had to bring Mei to Ms Loh's house. Omg. She's problematic. She was afraid to step into the teacher's house and stuff like that. So it was a wasted trip and I had to apologise to Ms Loh D: And so sadly, she won't be learning piano D: D: D: D: D:
At night was music box concert! Haha overall okay only luh. Some bands and the songs they played were great though :D And the sunflower that I bought was the nicest thing ever. Omg. It opened really widely and it's just beautiful ^.^ To me at least. Haha.

And we got back our GPP. Sigh, our group still has quite a lot of things to work on but it's difficult to find time to come together cuz we're all so busy again this holiday D: Sigh. And I'm not that keen to do PW also D: I don't like PW!
My dad, Mei and Ahyi went back Indonesia today. I sent them off just now.. So I was at the airport since about 5pm. Then met Lim Pin and Jingle at 7plus to study together. And then Martin at 8plus for dinner. We then send Charmain, Dylan, Han Ren, Ming Xuan and Reynold (don't know how to spell) and the other History people off cuz they're flying off to New York!! Sigh, those who can go for the New York trip are a bunch of lucky kids! I wish I could go too D: Oh man.. And I'll miss them so much cuz they'll only be back on the 12th! D:
I'll be working tomorrow. SIGH!
Hope it won't be tough.. :/ I'm feeling quite lazy :/
Were there any possibilities right from the beginning?
&the pages keep turning.