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Wednesday, 10 July 2019
One month into my new work and I'm lovin' it :)
Being a case manager is really not easy - coming out with care plans suited to the needs of the residents under my care, being conscious that it's about their
real needs and not their
perceived needs which means I need to be observant and do proper assessments and have good judgment, building rapport with residents who meet me for the first time, speaking to child-like residents who care mostly about instant gratification, giving appropriate punishments, having serious talks with residents when they cause trouble, motivating them to even lift a finger..... and so many more challenges.
At the same time, keeping up with the admin work and the reports that I have to complete by the end of the month. It has been a pretty exciting time for me and time just zoom past every day at work.
The only thing that I dislike is that I have to wake up so early. I'm really not a early-morning person. I wake up at 6.22am every morning and leave my house by 7am. The perk of starting work early is that I get to end work early. That's something I appreciate - I get to reach home before sun down and I do feel somewhat healthier when I wake up and sleep early.
My colleagues have been nurturing and helpful too. So all is well :)
The best decision I made this year was to quit my previous job. I'm thankful.
Thank you for giving me the courage to.
One more month till the start of school. The social work mods are out. I'll prolly be in school for 2 weekday nights. Let's hope I can survive this!
&the pages keep turning.