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Enjoy your stay here,
&hope something would inspire you.
Keep everything that's here just between you and me okay ;)
I'm having this big ulcer at the side of my tongue and it's really painful. It's sucking out ALL my energy. School has been up and down - sometimes tougher, sometimes demoralising, sometimes fun & relaxing - mostly tough and demoralising. Hahahahahah.
I think my negative side is coming out. Mostly I feel overwhelmed with what I'm learning because I'm always frantically thinking of how I should apply them to my work to help residents more effectively.
1) I need to relaccc and not be frantic about new knowledge.
2) I need to take it slow and do things one step at a time. It's like I haven't even digest class content and then I'm trying to use it at work already *face palm* - haven't crawl already want to run. I shall try not to do so many things at one time (at least in my head lol)
Taking last minute half day leave today (I hope it gets approved) because I think I'm in absolute need to rest and recharge. I'm almost ded inside nao.
I don't think my bosses are actually pressuring me a lot though he occasionally harps on doing 'proper assessments' and 'programmes' for residents? So I guess I kinda put pressure on myself to try to meet his expectations.
&the pages keep turning.